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Uorfi Javed's instagram account faces repeated suspension; Actress expresses frustration

  • Uorfi Javed's Instagram account was suspended again, citing non-compliance with community guidelines
  • The actress expresses frustration in an Instagram post, revealing glitches, errors
  • This marks the second instance of Uorfi's Instagram account suspension within a month

18 Dec 2023

Uorfi Javed is grappling with the suspension of her official Instagram account, raising concerns over adherence to community guidelines. This marks the second time within a month that Uorfi's account has been suspended, prompting her to express frustration through a strongly worded note on the platform.

The actress previously alerted her followers about the account's suspension on December 3 and has since encountered ongoing glitches, with her account status displaying errors and notifications indicating guideline violations for the same post repeatedly.

In her recent Instagram post, Uorfi Javed shared her experience, stating that each time she posts, her follower count fluctuates significantly. She highlighted the situation, where her account faces deactivation multiple times a week, only to be reactivated later.

The actress shared screenshots of notifications from Instagram, detailing the alleged violations. Earlier this month, she disclosed that her account was disabled "by mistake" within minutes of the initial suspension announcement.

Instagram's community guidelines encompass various prohibitions, from nudity to hate speech, and the platform employs these rules to uphold a positive and secure environment. Uorfi Javed, known for her bold fashion choices, often interacts with paparazzi and addresses online hate, maintaining a resilient presence despite facing criticism.


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